
Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thank You

Thank you so much to each one of you who prayed for our little baby after the hemorrhage at 11.5 weeks. Its been an eventful 10 weeks, adventures in faith and waiting, with a midnight ER trip, my first full-fledged panic attack, and various scares and joys, as the hematoma grew and shrank and grew. Many times we thought we'd lost her, but every time we went in for an ultrasound, her little heart was pumping still.

We just heard back a couple days ago, that the hematoma is gone. At 21.5 weeks, Baby continues to grow, and suck her thumb (she's been doing that on every ultrasound), and I can now feel her little kicks.

Thank you to all of you who prayed. Thank you for all the words, all the love & concern, all the help, all the hugs. Your prayers mean more than I can say.

Thank you to the God who continues to sustain her life in my womb, giving us already twice the time we thought we had with her.

Thank you everyone. I love you you all!

Thankyou God.