
Goals and Projects

NEW PROJECT LIST  Sept '21 to Feb '23

When we bought the house

  1. Refloor the house
  2. Transform the ceilings from Popcorn to Smooth
  3. Repaint the house (interior)
  4. Finish converting the Garage into livable space
  5. Put in the new lighting, and new fixtures in the whole house
  6. Put in the cieling fans, etc.
  7. Repaint the house (exterior)
  8. Kon-mari my hoard of possessions, so that there will be a place for everything, and everything in its place. So it will be beautiful like these images grabbed off of pinterest.

    My Pinterest inspiration

  1. Green the desert of my backyard with permaculture
  2. Make a beautiful courtyard out of the extra driveway space, like this beautiful image I grabbed off of pinterest.
This is my inspiration from pinterest
This is what it looks like when we bought it

I need to study His Word and spend time with Him. I have been too focused on short term stuff, and lose Him. And then I lose joy. And I turn into a jerk. Which is not good for the kiddos. Or me either. 
  1. Daily Bible Reading & Study. Keep it simple 5 readings a week, taped to the wall and I highlight it when I do it. That way if I "fail" for a couple days, perfectionist me doesn't decide I "ruined the whole thing" and give up.
  2. Daily Time with God. At least15 minutes a day of bringing Him my worries, just listening and journaling (because I get less distracted when I'm writing Him letters). Also praying through a list of people every day. It sounds really lame, but I'm going to make a little chart for this too....because I need accountability for myself. Laying down the rails of habit, Get up at 6/6:30 every morning and spend 15 min with God. Then work in the garden a bit.
  3. Bible Study with Josh. Every evening, at 9:45 at night, we will spend at least 15 minutes on a Bible Passage, studying it together. We met in a Bible Study, and I like how different than mine his brain works.
I always mean to "spend more time" really spending time with the kids and not just keeping them alive/fed/clothed etc. But I tend to zone out and do things with them while thinking about something else. I need a schedule. And a highlighted chart, because I need accountability and structure like that.
  1. Homeschool
       Start right after 1st Breakfast. 
      1. Math (Abeka/Multi Table)
      2. Jessie Wise Grammar (FLL)
      3. Handwriting/Dictation while one kid gets a reading/Phonics lesson
      4. Subject of the day
    1. Afternoon
      1. Aleph with Beth Hebrew Video
      2. Isaiah reads to me 3 pages
      3. History Video
      4. Mom's Reading time (to kids)
    2. Weekly
      1. Art Lesson with MONART curriculum
      2. Paint (do my icon set, illustrate Woodcutter and Wolfking, and St. George and the Dragon) 
      3. Sewing Time with the Girls (during baby's nap). Calico critter clothes. Own clothes
      4. Teach girls to make jewelry

  1. Hang out with them, intentionally. [Right after Baby's Naptime]. Focus on them. Just spend an hour hanging out, engaging them in conversations and playing along with them. 
  2. Read to them every day, 3 picture books and some of a chapter book (like Sonlight History) 
  3. Go on a walk with them every day. Go out early in the morning, preferably before 7. Do it with whoever wants to go. 
  4. Rocking Chair Time. After lunch, before putting baby down for nap. Rock and sing a chosen song for every kid that wants to be there. Rule is no talking, baby needs to be getting sleepy.
Set aside just 15-20 minutes, 4 times a week, to work on Hebrew and Greek. When the Kids are working through their multiplication tables during homeschool time.

Goal: read through the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) every 2 years, at breakfast, with the kids (1 Psalm and 2 half chapters a day). 
Goal: Read Through Greek New Testament with the kids 2x a yr (just a chapter a day) in Greek. When I get consistent with this, I want to start actually studying Church Fathers and Interpretation and all that. (Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures to start with, because they are so poetic. Augustine, etc.)

Goal for next 18 months: by Feb 2023:
  1. Hebrew Watch Aleph with Beth with the kids to lesson 100
  2. Hebrew on my own My own: Work through Alef Press's Hebrew 2
  3. Greek on my own: Christine Gatchell's Greek 1,2, 3

Sewing/Leather etc.

  1.  Square neck good jumpers. Need 4. Plus 7 white linen blouses. Jill from BBC Narnia.
  2.  Square neck maternity jumpers. Need 4. Plus 7 linen short sleeve shirts.
  3. Hobbit Dresses with the girls. Sew for myself and teach them to sew their own. Multiple sewing machines running. Dirndl Style. Simple poly- corded petticoats. 
  4. Finish the kids Breath of the Wild Costumes and have a Breath of the Wild party
  5. Ranger Elven Coat from sweatshirt materials
  6. Dunedain Family camping Clothes
    1. Josh Ranger Dunedain kit
    2. My Dundedain mom kit
    3. Medieval tunic style for me and the kids (wear with leggings)
    4. Scabbards, blasterpacks, waterbottle holders straps for knives and things
    5. Cloaks for everyone.
    6. Leather satchel/pack/backpack

So this is me in September of 2021...6 years later. There have obviously been changes in my goals and projects, although some are still the same. Going to annotate this a bit for myself.

Hannah!!! You learn to harness your will, stop obeying your emotions, and *following a schedule* takes out a lot of the mental battle from this.
You can get further on this in the next 18 months than you have in 6 years. Lay down the rails of your life, like a train-track. Not constantly hacking through the jungle.

Habit is everything.

Original Post from 2015:
I messed up on blogger, and it ate the entire page of my projects. (Now blogger isn't letting me republish this as a page, so its going up as a post. I think I'm switching to wordpress soon. They treat you more like you've got a brain, and you don't have a glitchy server overriding you)

I had a little meltdown, but I think God is trying to tell me something about my priorities.

I need to study His Word and spend time with Him. I have been too focused on short term stuff, and lose Him. And then I lose joy. And I turn into a jerk. Which is not good for the kiddos. Or me either. Its so hard to give up little pleasures for Him, but this is also indicative of the state of me....that I am close to my little pleasures and hobbies, but far from Him, so its giving up what is near and cherished for a Stranger. But I need to flip that. God has to be closer to me than my little pleasures, so that they pale in comparison to Him.
  1. Daily Bible Reading & Study. Keep it simple 5 readings a week, taped to the wall and I highlight it when I do it. That way if I "fail" for a couple days, perfectionist me doesn't decide I "ruined the whole thing" and give up.
  2. Daily Time with God. At least15 minutes a day of bringing Him my worries, just listening and journaling (because I get less distracted when I'm writing Him letters). Also praying through a list of people every day. It sounds really lame, but I'm going to make a little chart for this too....because I need accountability for myself. Laying down the rails of habit, Get up at 6/6:30 every morning and spend 15 min with God. Then work in the garden a bit.
  3. Bible Study with Josh. Every evening, at 10:30 9:45 at night, we will spend at least 15 minutes on a Bible Passage, studying it together. We met in a Bible Study, and I like how different than mine his brain works.
I always mean to "spend more time" really spending time with the kids and not just keeping them alive/fed/clothed etc. But I tend to zone out and do things with them while thinking about something else. I need a schedule. And a highlighted chart, because I need accountability and structure like that.
  1. Start Homeschool.  [Right after 2nd Breakfast] Start Isaiah with the Reading Program, and have the kids work on letters and numbers and simple math problems. Reading, Writing, Arithmetic. Even 10 minutes a day, every day at the same time, say after 2nd breakfast, is something to start with. Then do arts & craft with the kids. It can be stressful, as they wield paintbrushes, etc, but make an effort. Every day, either paint, crayon, marker, do a project, etc. with them. Even if its just 10 minutes after their 3 R's. 
            So this is changed a lot. Start right after 1st Breakfast. 
      1. Math (Abeka/Multi Table)
      2. Jessie Wise Grammar (FLL)
      3. Handwriting/Dictation while one kid gets a reading/Phonics lesson
      4. Subject of the day
    1. Afternoon
      1. Aleph with Beth Hebrew Video
      2. Isaiah reads to me 3 pages
      3. History Video
      4. Mom's Reading time (to kids)

  1. Hang out with them, intentionally. [Right after Baby's Naptime]. Focus on them. Just spend an hour hanging out, not trying to get laundry done, or sitting in the corner planning projects while they play, but just focusing on them for at least an hour, engaging them in conversations and playing along with them. Need to find a good time. [Late Afternoon]
  2. Read them at least 7 books a day. FIX A TIME. (2 of which should be about Jesus). Mom's Reading Time. 5
  3. Go on a walk with them every day. [early morning, right after/before Breakfast] When the weather is no longer like the surface of Mercury, I will walk with them every day, preferably at 7 or 9 am. 
  4. Rocking Chair Time. [Right after Bedtime/Prayertime] My mom did this with us, and it was one of my most cherished memories. Should would have each of us take a turn, in which she would rock you in the rocking chair and sing you a song of your choice (usually "Morning Sun"), every night. Need to do this at naptime, after lunch. Night time I'm too tired.
Stories & Paintings
I think God did give me a tendency & desire to write stories, and I think He wants me to do this. Often a picture will come into my head, an idea, and refuse to go away, just waiting. I know I've had this desire in me to write stories that show how big the sky much meaning and love and poetry God has written even into this fractured universe. But for the most part in the last few years, I've pretty much focussed much more of limited spare time into other things (like making clothes and crafting with wire, or finding deals at thrift stores) which are good things, but I would be dissapointed if at the end of my life I had spent my free time on those things and never finished those unwritten stories that keep coming back to me. I also really want to be a part of helping out with my sibling’s stories, which I think have the potential to make this world a better place…because stories can open our eyes to beauty and truth.
I also want to learn how to illustrate Children’s books, and write the children’s books that I want my children to have. There don’t seem to be nearly enough of the kind I want to read to them, and I know how pivotal children’s books (with beautiful illustrations) were to shaping my sense of wonder about the world, especially the ones I had read to be before I was 6. Isaiah is 4 already, so I’m on a clock here….
  1. Work on Sojourners with Micah busy doing important things & having adventures
  2. Work on Overworld/Underworld & Singstory with Bekah busy with new motherhood
  3. The Morning People on hold for now
  4. Prodigal, Ambertstone, Where the Lilies truly grow, and other stories. on hold for now
  5. Write & Illustrate St. George and the Dragon Wrote it, now just illustrate it
  6. Write & Illustrate The Woodcutter and the Wolf-King Wrote it, now just illustrate it
  7. Finish planning and make the 7 icon set I’ve been planning for 2 years
My Hebrew keeps slipping, alas, I need to go and refind it. I feel like I’m just burying something that I should be growing. So I want to set aside just 15-20 minutes, 4 times a week, to work on Hebrew and Greek. My goal is to be able to read through the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) every year, at breakfast, with the kids (Which is less than 3 chapters a day). And to be able to read through the New Testament with the kids 2x a yr (just a chapter a day) in Greek. When I get consistent with this, I want to start actually studying Church Fathers and Interpretation and all that. (Cyril of Jerusalem Catechetical Lectures to start with, because they are so poetic. Augustine, etc.)
  1. Hebrew
  2. Greek
  3. Help with Daddy’s book.
  4. [Church Fathers]
Goal for next 18 months: Aleph with Beth videos! 
by Feb 2023:
Watch Aleph with Beth with the kids to lesson 100
My own: Work through Alef Press's Hebrew 2
Christine Gatchell's Greek 1,2, 3

These are concrete things, I create with my hands. I don't know why, it gives me so much more satisfaction than doing other necessary (yet cyclic) things, like laundry, or cooking/baking (because it all disappears...), etc. But I do have lists and lists of things I want to do, and have spent so much time/energy thinking about it. I need to be more realistic & responsible with how much time I set aside to do this, but also (ironically enough) be more disciplined about actually doing them.

To Do List Sept '15-Jan '16
Its amazing how much of this I am no longer motivated to make. I guess I have finally learned to narrow my focus to what I really love.
  1. Gondor Ranger Tote Bags
  2. R&D blaster packs from canvas -also can be Ranger Scabbard stuff
  3. Hobbit Outfit for Little Hobbit
  4. Jenny B-day skirts
  5. Epic Echoes Dresses (Green, Tan, Brown Sheet)
  6. Grecian Dresses(w/ nursing fronts, and cowl) Jersey: Brown, Tan, Creamwhite flowers. Sheets: Cream, pale Sea Green to dye, tan sheet [drapey w/ sheen]
  7. Hobbit Clothes (Everyday LOTR-Armhole Princess Seamed, Kirtle bodice top?) Swirly Green, Olive Vine, Brown Poly vine, Red repurposed. 4 chemise shirts. Half Circle Skirts. Aprons
  8. Eowyn Dresses (Everyday LOTR-Shoulder Princess Seamed)(Green Sundress, WW Sundress[sheet], Shieldmaiden Sundress[ja], Tippeted half sleeves—Green Gown[need HL fabric], Shieldmaiden [sheet],WW Gown
  9. Arwen Dresses (Everyday LOTR) Half sleeve Bloodred Gown [sheets], Bridge dress half sleeves [sheets & chiffon], Green dress [need HL fabric] with chiffon BIG sleeves.
  10. Peplum Tops (Simplicity, no collar, French cap sleeves) white & cream sheets.
  11. Simple Shirtwaist Dress (Simplicity, no collar, French cap sleeves—might modify to reg cap sleeves) Blue Vines from HL, WWII tribute (gray green sheet, pockets), WWII Tribute 2 (need tan sheet, pockets, add collar???)
  12. Collard Shirtwaist Dress?
  13. Refashion Jean Shirtwaist dresses
  14. Print/finish Gondor Tunics for myself, Gondor Tunics for the kiddos, Print kid’s T shirts, etc.
Christmas Sewing
  1. Leather Steampunk Blaster Pack for Keziah
  2. Leather Black Mara-Jade-ish Blaster Pack for Mali
  3. Icon Set for Bekah (Painted on Hardwood Plywood?)
  4. Blue & Gold semi-circle Icon Set for Sfs (Painted on Hardwood Plywood?)
  5. Scripture Hangings for Mommy (Mount on HL stiff posterboard when there)
  6. Petticoats for Leah
  7. Fleece Elven Cloaks for the kids

Really Cool Ambitious Stuff 
  1. Josh’s Ranger Outfit
  2. Isaiah’s Ranger Outfit
  3. Mali’s Mara Jade Outfit maybe one day...but it is not this day
  4. My Leia Hoth Outfit
  5. Josh’s Imperial Uniform  maybe one day...but it is not this day
  6. My Wool Cotehardie Medieval Dresses  maybe one day...but it is not this day
Stuff for others (I don't know why I thought I had time for this and child raising and homeschooling....)
  1. Leah’s Hoopskirt
  2. Leah’s Petticoats (try poly rope corded, and softer mirror organza one?)
  3. Leah’s Summer Dresses (Red, Blue, Bright Green, Purple vines
  4. Leah’s Winter dresses (need linings) (Poly Felicity, Purple flowers,
  5. Bex Wine, Red, and Green Medievaloid dresses (Print necks?)
  6. Bex Kurtis (her blue, her orange red, l.o. purple vines)
  7. Bex muslin topped dresses (finish!)
  8. Bex Red Arwen Dress from her sheet.
  9. Micah Hobbit Waistcoat
  10. Tirzah Gloves
  11. Tirzah medieval printed blue and gold skirt
  12.  Mali 50’s dress with square collar and petticoat 
  13. Elven Lanterns 2.0 (with plastic sheeting?) for Bex and Leah
Little Girl (to Women) Sewing (list of what I found to be the most helpful tutorials/free patterns)
  1. Pinafores (teach Apron Sewing, Petticoat sewing) [Also make little Pinafores with patch pockets with Applique matching the gingham stuff?]
  2. Pantaloons & Fancy Pants (lots of free patterns, put links here)
  3. A Line Hand Stamped & Appliqued Dresses (Teach Bias Binding [insert most helpful tutorials HERE]. Stamping or Applique [insert most helpful tutorials here]) (A line tutorial with facings from Climbing the Willow HERE. Nice simple closure solution)
  4. A Line Dresses, with variations—Tiered Ruffle Dresses (Ruffles, Puffed and Butterfly sleeves, appliqued patch pockets. Sailor Collar, Peter Pan Collar.)
  5. Basic Girls Dresses (Do lined bodices, and bias bound bodices) Skirt Variations (Gathered, vs half circle) Sleeve Variations (Sleeveless, Short Butterfly or Puffed, Long sleeved) [H—do the whole Gingham stack, flutter sleeves, half circle skirts, stamped white waistbands [Show Cathy how can modify this slightly for 18TH cent costume, princess, anything] (Basic Bodice Free Pattern from Climbing the Willow HERE, note 3/8" seam allowances, and no closure allowances, will have to add) (put most helpful placket tutorials HERE)
  6. Hats. (Bag Lining) [H—white hats, and gingham reversible w/ bias binding matching?) Good free pattern and tutorial Oliver and S, HERE also find a good ruffle hat free pattern)
  7. Basic Girl’s Dress for Neighbor (red, red flowers, bright pink) 
  8. To make it for Women---> Just add darts! (or princess seams) (basic sloper, most intuitive BEST TUTORIAL HERE, part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, and here goes)
  9. Women: Rub Off Simple elastic-waisted red dress.
  10. Women: A line skirt (my favorite drafting instructions, very simple, HERE, simply draw out the sides to make it A line)
  11. Women: Half Circle Skirt.
  12. Women: Sundress w/ Half Circle Skirt
Baby Shower Sewing
  1. Little Girl A line Dresses w/ matching fancy pants & Hats
  2. R2D2 Dress & Hat
  3. Winter Fleece hats--- Elf Hats, Kiss Hat? Little Knight Helmet hats,
  4. Jersey sewing---Animal Hats, Stenciled LOTR drool Bibs
  5. Sleep Sacks. Nursing Covers. 
Random Projects
  1. Birka Style Medieval Pouches
  2. Eowyn Belts (Filigree, Filigree w/ trim, From Recycling Metal, From Recycling Mixed Media)
  3. Medieval Studded/Decorated Hanging Belt (Fabric & Paint, Velveteen & Sewology. Leather & Tandy Rivets)
  4. Underbracers from faux suede, dwarven, ranger, elven variations
  5. Brown Leather Bracers (possibly with veg tan embellishment, or leather cut out glued) for myself…
  6. Gondor Black Leather Bracers (with 2nd layer cutout surrounding center piece, glued. Then possibly veg tanned cutout for tree and sea bird stuff in center…)
  7. Screenprinting experiments
  8. Couching & seed beads, experiments 
  1. Medieval Hood Headcoverings
  2. Lace Headcovering (like Snood for All Seasons & Jewish Orthodox one I saw)
  3. Simple Triangle shape head kerchief (Vintage or Dwarven)
  4. Straw Hat refashions (1940s)
  5. Felt Hat refashions (1940s) 
Future Dresses
  • Epic Echoes (Claret Red HL w/ gold stencil OR w/ gold border w/ red stencil, Navy & gold, Also Navy and gold w/ cranberry French cap sleeves)
  • Medievaloid Maternity (Claret Red HL w/ gold, Hunter Green HL w/ gold, Tan w/ olive stripe, Green w/ Brown Stripe)
  • Arwen (Cranberry Claret Cotton HL—half length tippeted sleeves)
  • Eowyn
  • Square Neck Empire Puffed Sleeves, Dk blue w/ cream or white lace at neck.

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