
Monday, February 4, 2013

Goals for 2013

My goals for 2013 are to (surprise!) make my home more like Rivendell, a place of peace and re-filling of strength and LIFE to go out and face Mordor/Smaug/all thats wrong with the world. First off, with myself.I need to be filled with something for my home to be filled with it. I became keenly aware of this when I left home--each home, had a 'feeling' or an 'atmosphere', some felt like mausoleums, some like gardens on a sunny day at 10 in the morning with the sound of birds....
At college I would wilt in the stress-filled dorms, and crave what I could only call 'LIFE', that strength/peace/joy/what-the-singing-elves-had-that-made-the-dark-rider-flee/ what-the-saints-had....that holy joy, that bright peace, the joy of the tallest hickory trees thrashing in the bright wind at 10 in the morning, with the calls of the crows and honey-suckle in the wind....
In short, I think it is the presence of the Creator, the Life-Giver, the Holy Spirit. So for my house to be a place where He dwells, where there is life, Life must dwell in me. So to start, I mean to make an effort, for the first time since I was a teenager, to have real daily time spent with him, reading His words, rejoicing in who He is, listening to His voice. My total lack of discipline prevented this from ever happening on a real basis. No more.
Secondly, Rivendell was not full of dirty dishes, and people stressed by not having forks or a place to put their feet on the floor. There's something about mess that does not invite mental peace. So, on with the discipline part, my house is going to be clean, and my kids are going to follow a routine, to organize their daily life. If I really get my act together we might institute some form of the daily office.
My last resolution is creative goals.
  1. Finish Eowyn Shieldmaiden Outfit, 
  2. Eowyn's White Wool Dress,
  3. Arwen Blood Red Dress,
  4. Medieval linen Kirtle,
  5. Medieval Wool Kirtle 1& 2
  6. Medieval Wool Half Circle Cloak
  7. Medieval Linen Smock,
  8. Medieval Apron,
  9. Medieval Belt,
  10. Medieval Linen Cap of St. Birgitta,
  11. Regency Hat (for Easter)
  12. Regency Bodiced Petticoat
  13. Pink Regency Easter Dresses for two of my sisters and I,
  14. Regency dresses inspired by 2009 Emma,
  15. Regency inspired coat, from refashioned old coats
  16. 'Indian' Maternity dress 2.0,
  17. Medieval 'Link' inspired outfit for Josh,
  18. Faramir Ranger Outfit 2.0 for Josh,
  19. Tower Guard Outfit (Like Pippins) for Isaiah
  20. Medieval (Link Inspired) outfit for Isaiah,
  21. a comfortable yet matching medieval outfit for Jehanne.

And I will update this blog every Monday.

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