
Sunday, January 26, 2014

Goals for 2014

 Important Stuff
  1. Have Quiet Time every morning. Even if its 10 minutes. 
  2. Memorize Colossians and Isaiah 40-46
  3. Read Genesis in Hebrew. And Read a Psalm to the kids in Hebrew at breakfast. Work through my old Hebrew book.
Art & Stories
  1. Write up Even-Katom and illustrate it.
  2. Write up Where the Lilies Truly Grow (as a child's book? Or a Novella?) and illustrate it
  3. Write up The Woodcutter's Wife and the Wolf-King and illustrate it (think of as 1.0)
  4. Finish my Jesus and Adam and Eve (Eden, Fall, Expulsion, Annunciation, Nativity, Crucifixion, Harrowing of Hell w/ Adam and Eve) icon-poster set, make also the abbreviated version (Temptation, Fall, Expulsion, Annunciation, Crucifixion, Harrowing all inscribed on a Tympanum style hanging). Maybe even a doors of bishop Bernward...
  5. Start and Finish my Hebrew Jesus set (Nativity, Circumcision/Aqeda, Jesus Healing/Isaiah 53/Purification stuff?, Crucifixion/Sacrifice, Harrowing of Hell[non-traditional]. Need to plan this one out a bit more.
  6. "Work on" The Morning People

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