
Monday, May 12, 2014

The Long Awaited Sibling Picture!

So, ever since she was born (and before) I have been anticipating all the cute shots I'm going to get of the 3 of them, being adorable.
She's a month old and I've got 3 attempts.

Here begins the chronicle of the heroic attempts:

First Attempt:

"Leah, make them look at me!" So she turned their heads. Baby pitched over...

Baby pitched over even further. Jenny munches on a green tomato, stolen from the garden.

"Let's straighten Baby up..."

Baby decides its a great time to go into her Isaiah Stretch(c)....

Isaiah's bored with the whole thing. Jenny's still working on that tomato...

BEST OF THE BUNCH. But Jenny has got the tomato in her cheek...

The tomato comes out of her mouth. Baby looks miserable. Isaiah's stoic.

Jenny decides that green tomatoes aren't really all that...

But in the spirit of Sheldon Stubborness, decides its still worth another try....

Baby looks like she wants to sock someone. Jenny eats the tomato again. Maybe Mommy for putting her through this. Isaiah looks disturbed and disillusioned with life...

Green Tomatoes really aren't all that....

Jenny helps* Keziah not pitch over again...

 Aaand, green tomato eating attempt #3.... but Keziah's done with pictures. Crying ensues. Attempt #1 done...


I put them all down on the bed in the morning light, they looked so idyllic. Camera was retrieved.

Isaiah and Baby being really if Jenny can just look at the camera....

 Jenny goes to sleep?

 No, just thinking deeply....

...about...Baby? Jenny broods, Baby and Isaiah smile obliviously at the camera.

Jenny gets Baby's fingers, doubt crosses Baby's face. Isaiah announces hunger.

Now Isaiah gets Baby's other arm....

The sibs have the arms. Baby is being a good sport about this.

Baby is not so sure about this....

 Really not so sure about this....looks at mom, who is obliviously snapping photos of her cute kids...

Aaaand, her thick mom finally realizes they've got her hands...
 Sermon on Let-Baby-Keep-Her-Fingers.
End of Attempt #2


This would be the winner, except Isaiah's eating his lower lip...

Baby was slipping off...

 And decided picture time was over, and that she was starving.

Baby after foods. Drowsy and happy. Forgave Mommy everything.

AAAaaand, our first ever 5 (ex-utero) member family shot....