
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Of Cars and Computer Games: Adventures in the lives of Isaiah and Jenny

So.... 10 years late, I am learning to drive.
I headed to the driver's seat, keys clasped firmly in hand. I was an adult. I'm going to get this.

A disturbed little voice, taut with forced cheerfulness, came from behind me "Daddy wants to sit dere!"

(Isaiah has taken to voicing other people's desires, or, what he thinks they ought to be. 'Jenny wants to play wid dat toy...' as he attempts to get her to want something else so he can have what she's playing with. Maybe attempting Jedi Mind Tricks...)

I ignored it, and the little voice became more frantic "Mommy wants to sit in duh odur seat! DADDY wants to drive duh car!!! Daddy wants to drive duh car!" aaaand he had a little crying meltdown about that...

But its ok, he got a donut at church.

Isaiah looking upwards at the joy that is a donut....
Jenny looking upwards to the joy that is a donut...
Perhaps inspired by the earth-shaking changes of someone as inept as Mommy assuming control of the wheel has opened their eyes to new possibilities. I mean, if Mommy can drive then....

Isaiah started it, matter of factly, the way he asks for his beloved peanut butter and jelly sandwiches "Mommy, I want to drive duh car."

And again. Again. Matter of factly, as if he understands, that Mommy is wary at first, but in a week or two....

Jenny and I were going toward the carport door. "Mommy, I want to drive duh car"
Expectantly. And here we go....

Jenny looking artsy peeking through the laundry.

Josh has found the only way to play video games these days....

I've tried to apply the same strategy to Jenny and me using the sewing machine, but she kept trying to touch the needle....she was very indignant that the sewing lesson ended right there...

I organized a photoshoot. I had a theme. White and Pink for us girls. We were all wearing white dresses, and the girls even had a pink flower theme going. I felt so together.
Then we actually tried to take the picture....

Desperately trying to soothe the baby....

Giving up, trying to make the best of it, and look happy and relaxed...

Keziah ain't havin' none of it....

 So, yup.


 But really, they smile quite a bit. Just not when they're in color coordinating outfits.... here's a couple more pix of them in their natural habitat (the back yard)....

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