
Friday, December 5, 2014

More Attempts at Photography of the Cutest Kids on Earth

Glam shot of the Penguins logo I fabric painted (with freezer paper) almost a year ago...

Keziah was very amenable to the photoshoot.
Jenny and Isaiah, not so much. This was a little before Jenny decided to knock the lamp over, burning out a precious 100 watt bulb. I tried again the next day and Isaiah decided to knock the lamp over, burning out yet another precious 100 watt bulb. I decided to stick to outside for a while, I don't think they're going to have as much luck burning out the sun.

Isaiah's attitude about photo shoots (also in a shirt I made...)

Isaiah's continued attitude about photoshoots. He is his father's son.

I started telling him a story.

I was being silly, and he was laughing. Or he was being bad, and I was laughing. I don't remember.


I was telling "Luke en duh monster" again...

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