
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Highlights from the last month (ish): T-Rex comes to see Baby Jesus, and Elven Circlets

The highlight of my week, alas, I did not get a picture of. I had sprinkled the kids (and myself) with Holy Water and prayed for God to bless us. Jenny wanted the Holy Water. She sprinkled it carefully over her siblings (and herself) saying "God bwess Jenny" "God bwess Idaiah" "God bwess Kuziah" until it was all gone.
I came down the hall, and saw her sprinkling Keziah who was beaming up at her "God bwess Keziah," Keziah kept beaming, having to blink a little as the water drops covered her face, but opening her eyes to smile at Jenny again. It was like she understood it was a good thing, and was appreciative....

Still trying for a full sibling picture...

 Christmas Morning...

The T-rex came to the manger, to see Baby Jesus.

Jenny wanted to wear ALL HER HAIR PRESENTS.

Then off to the land of ice and snow...Alabama....

skyping Daddy...

I made the proud :)

Jenny has a thing for hats.

Baby reaching for Holy Scripture....

Jenny really wanted to do the dishes...

Back in AZ, off the church...

Josh was humoring me by wrangling all the kids for the picture. He was not really as grumpy as he looks, Isaiah's grin is much more indicative of his mood pre and post picture taking. Josh does not like cameras. Someday I'm going to have to go to a Private Eye store to get hidden cameras so I can get pictures of Josh smiling....

They've discovered the joys of pushing eachother down the slide. Jenny will sit on top of the slide and straightforwardly ask "Idaiah, can you push me down duh swide?" Wheras Isaiah will sit on top and loudly proclaim "Jenny can't push me down the slide!" over and over until she pushes him down, and then he laughs.

She likes going down on her belly, it's safer than it looks, as she controls her speed with her hands...

Another attempt at a sibling photoshoot. I arranged them in a row, stepped back, and realized Keziah wasn't in the shot...

And then I found her. Sibling photo-shoot over.

We're very serious about gender-stereotyping our toys in this house.
The water guns were left over from a teenager party with a boys team and a girls team or something. Isaiah calls it the "little green gun" for Jenny, and he carries around the "big green gun", and Keziah is lovingly given the "little blue gun" which she mostly just chews on.

Isaiah has been cheerful lately, randomly throughout the day, telling me "GOOD MORNING, MOMMY!" with great joy.

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