
Monday, January 18, 2016

Goals for 2016

I had a bit of an early mid-life crisis as I realized I shall be 28 soon (more thoughts on that coming later) but I had some thoughts and goals for this year.

This is an area I care a whole lot about, that I haven't really shared here, mostly because its been 5 years since I undertook a big writing project.
  • Finish and illustrate my first children's book (The Woodcutter and the Wolf-King)
  • At least finish the rough draft for a few novellas that have been kicking around in my head for over 10 years (Prodigal, The Amberstone, Where the Lilies Truly Grow [btw, despite its name, not a romance novel....more of a fairy-tale about 3 kids traveling to the end of the world with the body of their father])
  • Finish the screenplay for the first 2 seasons of Sojourners, a sci-fi steampunk adventure in which I have been drafted to be the principal screenwriter. I am not, the creative genius behind it, nor the final say, so this will be interesting
  • Rework my Joan of Arc Screenplay

I thought a good and reasonable goal would be to sew/craft 3 things every month, something for myself, something for someone else, and something practical/UFO (unfinished object..I've got tubs worth). About my "Everyday Lord of the Rings Inspired Clothes", I have spent so much time planning and analyzing, its about time I just churn some of these out.

  • "Eowyn" Everyday Lord of the Rings inspired dresses (Green Gown, Shieldmaiden, Dernhelm) with stenciling/printing on the fabric. Plus belt. Nursing Friendly. Minimum 4 outfits
  • "Arwen" Everyday Lord of the Rings dresses. Plus Everyday Elven Circlets. (Bloodred Gown, Grecian-looking "Bridge Dress") Maternity Friendly. Nursing Friendly
  • Hobbit-ish bodices & chemise-shirts (18th cent-ish)
  • Medieval-esque tunics
  • Leather bags & accessories for my Dwarven Adventure Woman outfit (Vikingish)
  • Mara-Jade blaster pack
  • Princess Leia for everyday, because it will make Isaiah happy

Write about the kids every week.
  • Write one blog post every week, about the kids. 
  • Write up the projects I do every month (see above), so at least 3 more posts. 
Aiming to have 2 posts up a week.

I really want to get at the heart of home-making, that is, making my house (appartment) feel like the Last Homely House in middle earth...a place where kids remember firelight and laughter and singing around lanterns.
  • Make banners, and medieval wall hangings, lanterns, and a fake fire
  • Focusing on building traditions and rituals that makes a house a warm, happy, joyful place.

  • Restart Hebrew, to the point I can read 3 chapters of Tanakh every day
  • Possibly this is the year I convince Josh to start learning Greek with me....
  • Help my Dad with his book
Other goals...make a steampunk myself with my thesis and Rabbinic Hebrew and the Pesikta Rabbati....finish my "fanfic" rewrite of Star Wars Ep I, II, III (Not so much fanfic, as what those episodes should have been....)


  1. I can't wait for the Arwen dresses! :D Also the every day elven circlets. I made myself a very elegant circlet that I wore once to the Ren faire, and can't really wear anywhere else now, because it's so dressy (and geeky). :( I would love to hear how you make/wear yours!

    1. I would love to see a picture!
      I'm hoping to start on the Arwen dresses this week and have a post up about it soon.
      And I will hopefully post on the circlets soon, now that I have working camera again.
      Sorry it took me so long to comment, we moved a month ago to a new appartment (without internet, alas), but I have been decorating & unpacking, and I hope to have pictures up in the near future :)
