
Tuesday, June 11, 2019

We're still alive!

Um, long time no blog.....
We are all alive and kicking!

Happy Easter!  I love how Josh has his standard family portrait face and I am trying to pose. And how all the kids ham up either appraoch, either going with Josh [vaguely disgusted with this form of mild torture] or my approach[note the posing arms, I don't know where they learned that].
Except for Isaiah, who is experimenting with new ways to eat his lips doing a family portrait, like Calvin.

Battles have been fought.

Anastasia is the world's happiest baby.

 She puts up with everything other than getting a Templar Helmet lovingly put on her by her big brother. We had to make a new rule "No helmets on the babies younger than 1"

We went to the library for Star Wars Day. Jenny was a padawan, Keziah was  Mara Jade, Mariam insisted on being "Pwincess Leia in a hobbit dwess", and Sarah Grace's R2D2 dress was, alas, lost in the wash.

Mandalorians have a child-friendly side :)


Every time I see clones I feel weepy, like they died for my freedom or something. They're like pure unselfish goodness.

Giving high fives to kids too. Dying for the children, other people's children. <3 Loved that episode.  (where the Neocon Captain Rex and the Libertarian deserter Clone both defend the Libertarian clone's kids from the commando droids)

There was a cool lady there who let Mara Jade try on her helmet.

 Not sure what the random Padawan is doing there, but I'm pretty sure that's Larone helping out Mara Jade.

 Yoda made a brief appearance....

Princess Leia showed up too :)

Supportive sisters watching Isaiah play Lego Clone Wars...

1 comment:

  1. Aaiieeee!! I wish I didn't have to wait til Christmas to see those kids! Alas I won't be on the camping trip with y'all this summer :'( Tell the kids their uncle Elijah misses them.
