
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Babylonian Spears

O come O come Immanuel
and with Your strong strength
save us from our pleasure-hell
Strong Deliverer, mighty to save
save us from our freedom,

Freedom to live for our highs
lusts fulfilled,
few minutes rush,
a life spilled

My eyes see,
every person as fuel,
for the next high,
every word, kindness,
measured in grams of heroin,
Every face de-faced,
Pheremones, Adreneline.

My devouring desires burning off the faces,
sealing out the sky,
persons on the altar
Of my next high,

Burning them all
for that faceless feel-good rush,
few minutes in my mind,
souls reduced to seconds,
some pleasure there to find

My Holy, Just, Avenging
Loving God.
Come pierce open the sky
Come, gouge these infected eyes

And sightless, bruised, bleeding blind
we find
Your arms, strong and terrible, to catch, to hold
there, and to keep
our abused souls
to rest in that Keep, of Your Soul,
our spineless selves to find
strength in the grip of Your arms

Immanuel, God in the flesh
take from us our flesh, and make it
as in Mary's womb---Your flesh
As the great Hand that rested on
the beggars eyes
and made him see

Blind us, Lord,
by Babylonian spears let it be
if by that terrible blinding
we may see

With the eyes of Bartimeus, You

You, on a desert road
leading to Jerusalem
Where a Cross awaits,
My Lord.

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