
Friday, August 1, 2014

Of cuteness, clumping, and Jenny driving the car

So we went on a trip...

We tend to clump...

Isaiah re-explores his childhood...

Here are the kids, sporting my freezer paper creations.

Tirzah helped me wrangle Jenny for the pictures...
She's kind of squirmy...

"JENNY RUNNING AWAY!" she chortled and shrieked in glee, while running. I've spared you all the empty shots of the deck and yard, where she ran away.

Still running away, and laughing.

Baby had a grand time riding in a tiny wagon.

The kids wanted to go up and down the stair. Aunt Mali was close by. She's good with the kids.

Isaiah watered the garden....

...and everyone else. Including this photographer, who had to flee to the other end of the yard.

Jenny had fun too.

Then Daddy took the hose, and they both got to frolic in wet glee.

We tend to clump...

Jenny drove us home. There were a few dicey moments coming down from the mountains at night in a rainstorm, but she handled the challenges pretty well.

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