
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Joseph of Arimathea

Adonai, I was silent, and believed.
Silence and belief ---which the greater sin?
I waited waited waited ---till the time was right to reveal
what I knew, inside
Bide Bide Bide
'Wisdom', 'Forbearance'---failure I
called it such, and did not speak...
God, I failed.

Now at last, too late, too late
He is dead.

I waited to tell men, till ---when?
Now. too late.
But I, Now will go. Tell them.
And bury him.
All I have left, all I can do,
bury him.

I gave You not my words
I give You now my tomb

Holy God, Forgive,
I failed You.
Too late, too cautious, too coward
now I
Bind him with these failed hands,
Wrap the linen, pour the myrr
These hands that touch your dead flesh
loved you, Lord.

(from  Aug 2011)

picture credit

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