
Friday, December 12, 2014

The Monkey Princess Ballerina and the hunk of Cheese

Jenny's really been into dancing lately. When you say "Jenny its time for bed/food/going outside", she says "No! I'm dancing" and proceeds to bounce around the room.
Some of her sleeper jammies have monkey princess ballerinas on them. And now she says "I'm a pwincess bawaweena" and today "I'm a monkey pwincess bawaweena"

She's also been a very good big sister recently, bringing Keziah toys (once, obligingly finding from the trash and bringing her an old apple core, which Keziah very much appreciated until I found out...)

 Isaiah learned how to open the fridge. He sometimes goes after expected things (apples, jam) and sometimes unexpected things (wasabi sauce), but yesterday, on our way out, he filched a chunk of cheese...

 And they had this king-of-the-mountain contest over the top of the slide. They kept shoving eachother down, and then reigning, before being shoved down and replaced, repeat, repeat. I didnt' stop them, as I figured that's what a slide is meant for, after all....

The reigning king is being challenged....

There was a struggle. It looked like they were hugging, so I snapped a picture.
Keziah was loftily above the fray...watching the petty struggles of mankind.

The dethroned king, and the current reigning monarch.

She was happy.

Me and Keziah. Keziah making the most horrified face at this selfie...

Isaiah had his cheese, Jenny had her oranges....

I stopped documenting the saga to photograph this cutie....

The just-dethroned queen....
 But she had another "turn" and Isaiah had another "turn" and so it went....

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