
Thursday, April 9, 2015

Elven Baby Dress and Tunic Progress Post 1: Cutting the pieces

Baby dress pieces, all cut out.

I was working on my next goal for the Small Human Being Sew-along: Elven Baby dress and Elven Baby Tunic.

And because my new motto is "mass-production," I decided when making the baby ranger tunic to make a matching tunic for Isaiah (3-4T). And because I noticed it takes me a few times to get it right, I decided to make matching Elven dresses for Jenny(2-3T) and Keziah(12mos) to go along with the baby's one.

My resolution to do mass production was when I realized I can get a lot more done for the time sewing, if I sew similar things all at once...the same way I save time on dishes when I wash all the bowls at once, then all the cups, etc.

For the baby tunic and dresses, I just traced off a baby onesie (although, after making a dress that only fit a newborn doing this technique, I usually trace generously. Store-bought knit onesies are a lot stretchier than T-shirt knits that I sew from recycled T shirts), and lengthened it to where I thought it Should be.
The front pieces of the baby ranger tunic, the thing on the left is the sleeve.

I cut out it out of a Green T-shirt I got at the thrift store, and the facings out of a brown T shirt from the aforementioned thrift store. (I split the front pieces because I've found its the easiest way to sew the notched neck facing, for me)

The baby elven dress is sort of self-explanatory here.

I tried to just scale this up for the 12mos dress, but found I couldn't make that wide swishy skirt using a single XL tee (wasn't wide enough). So I just traced off the 12mos flared out to the appropriate length.
I did the same for the 2T dress, but when holding up the pieces on my (tall) daughter, it just wasn't ankle length...and this dress feels like it should be a "gown" with the bell sleeves and all, so I cut into a 2nd T shirt to sew on 5 more inches for the bottom.

Here are my initial plans

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