
Sunday, July 5, 2015

Kids Back East

Family Reunion, Ocean City 2015. Hadabojji wanted to take us all to the beach, but he went to heaven before we got to. So we went, 4 years later. He would always tell me to "enjoy" while handing me a treat, as he drove me back from the weekend to the trainstop back to college. 
When we got to the rental house, there was this little decoration with blocks, written out "Enjoy" on it. 
I felt like Hdabojji asked God to put that there for me.

Watching Jane Austen's "Emma." I think Elijah was hanging out to be companionable, while reading about WWII.
Kuzzles also has yet to appreciate Period Drama, evidently.

Jenny just being cute.

Keziah loved grinning. She laughed a lot on this vacation. She now joins in laughing when other people are.

Jenny being beautiful. She is the only kid that poses for me, when I ask.

Isaiah was very intent in making up stories with the sand. I don't know what they were, alas.

He suddenly got really happy, and ran around playing with his (empty) beloved fruity snacks wrapper.

Isaiah loved jumping the waves.

Daddy took them out into the deep water, where they jumped waves on Daddy's shoulders. "SPLASH SPLASH" they would yell for joy.

Jenny found this bit of seaweed with bubbles on it. As she loves popping bubble wrap, this proved to give her great joy.

Kuzzles tickling Isaiah...

Jenny and Keziah got baptized. Jenny was very excited about it (she has been reminding me "Jenny needs to be baptized" ever since she witnessed some baptisms on the Easter Vigil at the local Catholic church---when she tried to run into the font herself)
She got very serious when she was actually baptized.
Keziah laughed with joy right after she was baptized, a lot sweeter than my post-baptism screaming when I was a baby. Isaiah said "Isaiah's turn!" after the girls were, and was a little disgruntled about not being baptized, I tried to explain to him he already was.

My brother entitled this picture "Feel the Force"

All the cousins, hanging out. We teased mom she should climb the banister to get a better angle of the shot. She considered it....

Some of my favorite people. My dad had that shirt from when I was a toddler. I was brainwashed.

A sweet moment, Keziah hanging out with her great uncle.

Then we headed back to Philly.
Isaiah was distraught when Josh was picking up a car that some friends lent to us. He kept saying he wanted Daddy. I took him outside to wait for Daddy. As I snapped pictures I asked him "Can you smile for Mommy?" "No, I want to cry" he said, very seriously.

Hanging out with relatives in "God's Country" as my twin calls it. (Lancaster County---or, the Sanity that is not UPenn during finals week)

Keziah wanted to feed some pretzel to her Great Grandmother.

Being read to by their great-Aunt, they enjoyed themselves very much.

Playing ball with their great-Aunt. Much fun was had by all. And then there was icecream.

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