
Thursday, August 20, 2015

Medievaloid Maternity Shift Dresses

So no baby yet.
Keep thinking "It's tonight!" and then, nothing....this kid is trying to prove me wrong, and show up late....

Anyway, I finally wore out my favorite maternity shift dress (the fabric just spontaneously burst holes in multiple places in a wash, kind of like the "Wonderful One Hoss Shay"), so a month ago I rubbed the pattern off, added cap sleeves, and sewed it up. (Didn't get round to photographing it till last week when Bekah was here)

I made it from a cotton IKEA tablecloth that I picked up at a thrift store a while back. The center stripe and facing are sort of medieval-inspired that I sketched up. I guess kinda like this picture of Ninth Century dress by Tom Tierney, the dress on the right.
From Dover's Medieval Fashions by Tom Tierney

I added gold accents, because gold and blue together look so medieval to me. In sunlight, you can see the gold a little better.

Here is a closeup of the trim. I stenciled it using this method, and printed it rather quickly and sloppily late at night with the justification that it was a mock-up. I used a cosmetic wedge sponge from dollar tree, and Tulip Metallic Gold Fabric paint. (Sorry the dress is wrinkled)

I've been expecting you for over a week baby....whenever you're ready...


  1. I am so behind on my blog reading, so I'm only just seeing this now and have no idea if your baby has arrived yet, but I just wanted to say I love how you've LOTR-ed this maternity dress! I may have to steal this idea my next pregnancy. Hope things are going well for you and your family!

    1. Still no baby...she's taking her time, I'm terrible at waiting....come on kiddo.....

      I feel so honored when people get ideas from me :) btw it was really your blog that really inspired me to make a lot of LOTR things!
