Monday, February 24, 2025

Epic Choreographed Star Wars Fights....

 ....having fun with the kids, doing these epic choreographed fights.

The keys are 

  1. Master the basics
  2. No T-rex arms---keep your arms out wide from you, swinging in great sweeping motions. As you would if you were wielding a death laser
  3. Keep your blocks vertical, and out from your body. As you would if you were blocking yourself with a death laser that could burn you.
  4. Keep your attacks with big forward steps. 
  5. Keep your defense with big backwards steps.
  6. Work in as many spins as possible. (right after a 9 parry is a good place for both people to spin)
  7. 8-1-2-1, 8-4-3-4-8, triangle attacks, look pretty epic. Change up the defense with inverted 1's and 2's to keep things interesting.

Going to put up some videos of me and the kids doing these.

We also put an epic sticker on our van.

 Grand Admiral Josh asked why we are desecrating the Chimera with rebel stickers.

I love the symbolism of it. That the rebellion at its heart, has to carry something bigger than just rebellion. A rebellion whose only definition is what it opposes is empty as a house of cards. But holding the old stamped-out religion, in its makes sense.

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