Sunday, February 9, 2025

Disciplined Schedule for Spring Weather

 Now the sun is warming up our land. It is spring in full. The UV climbs.

February [uv 5] March [uv 7]

  • Cool, but UV index climbing. 
  • Keep kids inside 10am to 3pm.
  • They need a push to go outside in the morning, desert babies say its “too cold”
  •  Everyone wants to be outside late afternoon/golden hour, which coincides with right before Josh comes home. Everyone must do chores during Peak UV hours,  BEFORE going outside)
  • Keep Screens to a minimum (There will be time enough for that in the summer), only ever allowed in peak UV hours, 10-3
  • Kids must spend at least 2 hours a day outside every day. Goal is 4 hours outside, every day.

·        7:00am Prayergarden

·        7:30am-10am Freetime

·        10:00 am BREAKFAST& Bible & CHORES

·        11am -2:00 pm SCHOOL

1.        Mom’s Reading Time

2.        PT

3.        Spelling&Grammar&HW

4.        Math

5.        Hebrew&Greek Videos

·        2:00pm  Lunch and CHORES

·        3-5/5:30 pm Outside FreeTime

·        Worship God in the prayergarden

·        [[[5:00pm CHORETIME if nec]]]

·        5:30pm Dinner & CHORES

·        7:00pm Family Games

·        8:00pm Bedtime

 The twelve essential elements

    1.  Morning Prayers [in Prayergarden]
    2. Morning Outside Time [if its not cold]
    3. Morning PT
    4.  Mom's reading time [reading kids books]
    5. Breakfast& Chores
    6. Bibletime [usually at breakfast]
    7. Homeschool
    8. Lunch & Chores
    9. Afternoon Freetime. Outside or Duplos or Crafts/Art or Computergames. [Mom's downtime]
    10. Dinner & Chores
    11. Family Fun Time//Evening outside time 
    12. Family Songtime and Prayertime 

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