Saturday, February 1, 2025

Disciplined Schedule for Each Season, depending on the weather


The basic idea is that every day should contain the same elements. They will be adjusted to acclimate to our extreme weather swings. 

The twelve essential elements

  1.   Prayer in Prayergarden. Morning or Afternoon Prayers. Make a place for the Holy. Timewise and Temporally
  2.   Morning Outside Time [if its not cold]
  3. Mom's reading time [reading kids books]
  4. Morning PT and 5-5-5 Devotions [5 min read/listen to Bible, 5 min Korean Prayer-Meeting Style, 5 min meditate and listen to God] The kids love this dramatized Bible 
  5. Breakfast& Chores
  6. Bibletime [usually at breakfast I read it to them. OR it can be early in the morning when everyone wakes up, comes out to the couch and listens.]
  7.  Homeschool
  8.  Lunch & Chores
  9.  Afternoon Freetime. Outside or Duplos or Crafts/Art or Computergames. [Mom's downtime/writingtime]
  10.  Dinner & Chores
  11. Family Fun Time//Evening outside time 
  12. Family Songtime and Prayertime






February [uv 5] March [uv 7]

v  Cool, but UV index climbing. Keep them inside 10am to 3pm.

v  Notes: they need a push to go outside in the morning, desert babies say its “too cold”

v   Everyone wants to be outside late afternoon/golden hour, which coincides with right before Josh comes home. Everyone must do chores during Peak UV hours,  BEFORE going outside)

·        7:00am Prayergarden

·        7:30am-10am Freetime

·        10:00 am BREAKFAST& Bible & CHORES

·        11am -2:00 pm SCHOOL

1.        Mom’s Reading Time

2.        PT

3.        Spelling&Grammar&HW

4.        Math

5.        Hebrew&Greek Videos

·        2:00pm  Lunch and CHORES

·        3-5/5:30 pm Outside FreeTime

·        Worship God in the prayergarden

·        [[[5:00pm CHORETIME if nec]]]

·        5:30pm Dinner & CHORES

·        7:00pm Family Games

·        8:00pm Bedtime


APRIL [uv10]

  • Must keep kids inside 9--3 because of the very high UV index. It is deceptively cool outside but very high UV index. 
  • ALL chores must be DONE before the Golden Hour. Front-load all chores [and cooking] during peak UV  during LUNCH CHORES, so that kids can be free

·        6:30 Prayergarden

·        7-9 am  FreeTime

·        9 am BREAKFAST & Bible & CHORES

·        10 am -1:30pm SCHOOL

1.        Mom’s Reading Time

2.        PT

3.        Spelling&Grammar&HW

4.        Math

5.        Hebrew&Greek Videos

·        2pm  Lunch and CHORES

·        3:00-5:00pm FreeTime

·        Worship God in the Prayergarden

·        5:00pm CHORETIME

·        5:30pm Dinner & CHORES

·        6:30pm Family Games

·        8:00pm Bedtime





May 11, June 12, July 12, August 10, Sept 9 HOT OUTSIDE

·        MUST keep kids inside from 8-4 because of the killer UV index.

·        ALL chores must be DONE before the Golden Hour. Front-load all chores [and cooking] during peak UV  during LUNCH CHORES, so that kids can be free

·        Outside 6:30pm-8pm, warm convective heating, but not oppressive radiant heating.

Summer School Variation A

·        6:00 Prayergarden, Sing and Worship God

·        6:30-8:00am  FreeTime

·        8:00 am BREAKFAST & Bible & CHORES

·        9:00 am -1/1:30pm SCHOOL

o   9:00 - 9:30   Mom’s Reading Time (30)

o   9:30 -10:10  Aleph w Beth, Alpha w Angela,Korean (40)

o   10:10-10:15 TA-Clock Stretch-Posture (5 min)

o   10:15- 10:45 Spelling&Grammar&Handwriting(30)

o   10:45 -11:00 Exercise (HIIT/Taekwondoe/Dance/Sword Drill)(15)

o   11:00-11:45 Math(45)

o   11:45-12:00 Break (15)

o   12:00-12:45 Korean/Hebrew/Greek (Gatchell)(45)

o   12:45-1:00   Exercise HIIT/Dojo Go (15)

o   1:00-1:30      Drawing (30)

·        1:30 Lunch and ALL CHORES DONE

·        2:30-4:00 Nintendo/Valheim/Craft or Art Class

·        4:00-4:30 Sing & Worship God

·        4:30-5:30 Outside Freetime [shade, water]

·        [[[5 Choretime IF APPLICABLE]]]

·        5:30 DINNER & Chores

·        6:30 Outside Play

·        8:00pm Bedtime

May 11, June 12, July 12, August 10, Sept 9 HOT OUTSIDE

  • MUST keep kids inside from 8-4 because of the killer UV index.
  • ALL chores must be DONE before the Golden Hour. Front-load all chores [and cooking] during peak UV  during LUNCH CHORES, so that kids can be free
  • Outside 6:30pm-8pm, warm convective heating, but not oppressive radiant heating.

Summer School Variation B—RYDER TIME [June July]

  • ·        6:00 Prayergarden
  • ·        6:30-7:00am  FreeTime
  • ·        7:00 am BREAKFAST & Bible & CHORES
  • ·        8:00 am -12pm SCHOOL
    • o   8:00 - 8:30   Mom’s Reading Time (30)
    • o   8:30 -9:10  Aleph w Beth, Alpha w Angela,Korean (40)
    • o   9:10-9:15 TA-Clock Stretch-Posture (5 min)
    • o   9:15- 9:45 Spelling&Grammar&Handwriting(30)
    • o   9:45 -10:00 Exercise (HIIT/Taekwondoe/Dance/Sword Drill)(15)
    • o   10:00-10:45 Math(45)
    • o   10:45-11:00 Break (15)
    • o   11:00-11:45 Korean/Hebrew/Greek (Gatchell)(45)
    • o   11:45-12:00   Exercise HIIT/Dojo Go (15)

  • ·        12:00 Lunch and ALL CHORES DONE
  • ·        1:00-4:00 Nintendo/Valheim/Craft or Drawing Art Class
  • ·        4:00-4:30 Worship God in PrayerGarden
  • ·        4:30-5:30 Outside Freetime
  • ·        5:30 DINNER & Chores
  • ·        6:30-8 Outside Play
  • ·        8:00pm Bedtime

 Summer School variation D

    • ·        6:00 Prayergarden
    • ·        6:30-8:00am  FreeTime
    • ·        8:00 am BREAKFAST & CHORES
    • ·        9:00 am -1/1:30pm SCHOOL
      • o   Mom’s Reading Time (30)
      • o   Aleph w Beth, Alpha w Angela,Korean (40)
      • o   PT: TA-Clock Stretch-Posture (5 min)
      • o   Spelling&Grammar&Handwriting(30)
      • o   PT: Exercise
      • o   HIIT/Taekwondoe/Dance/Sword Drill)(15)
      • o   Math(45)
      • o   Break (15)
      • o   Korean/Hebrew/Greek (Gatchell)(45)
      • o   PT: Exercise HIIT/Dojo Go (15)
      • o   Drawing (30)
    • ·        1:00 (1:30)pm  Lunch and ALL CHORES DONE
    • ·        2:00 (2:30)-4:00 Nintendo/Valheim/Craft or Art Class
    • ·        4:00-4:30 Worship God
    • ·        4:30-5:30 Outside Freetime w/ water  [mist/hose down first, then play. Stay in shade and re-wet every 20 min]
    • ·        5:30 pm Dinner & after dinner CHORES
    • ·        6:30pm Outside Play
    • ·        8:00pm Bedtime

Summer School Variation C 

  • ·        6:00(K-zia is the best) Prayergarden
  • ·        6:30-8:30am  FreeTime
  • ·        8:30 am BREAKFAST&Bible & CHORES
  • ·        9:30 am -1:00pm SCHOOL
  • o   Spelling&Grammar&Handwriting
  • o   Math
  • o   Hebrew&Greek Videos
  • o   (Valheim)
  • ·        1:00pm  Lunch and ALL CHORES
  • ·        2:00-3:00  Mom’s Reading Time
  • ·        3:00-5:00pm FreeTime
  • ·        5:00-5:30   Worship
  • ·        5:30pm Dinner & CHORES
  • ·        6:30pm Outside Play
  • ·        8:00pm Bedtime



·       Warm outside (October) but UV down to 6 (march levels)

·       The golden hours are best


·        6:30 am  Prayer in Prayer Garden

·        7-9:30 Freetime

·        9:30am BREAKFAST & Bible & CHORES

·        10:15 am -1:00 pm SCHOOL

1.        Mom’s Reading Time

2.        PT

3.        Spelling, Grammer, Handwriting

4.        Math

5.        Hebrew & Greek Videos

·        2:00pm  Lunch and CHORES

·        3:00pm Outside FreeTime

·        Worship in prayergarden

·        5:00pm CHORETIME

·        5:30 pm Dinner & CHORES

·        7:00pm Family Games//Outside

·        8:00pm Bedtime



( Nov, uv 4 Dec uv3, Jan uv3) VERY COLD 

v  Note: Wait till the sun warms up the air, to play outside. The UV is so low anyway.

v   In the afternoon, the shadow is deep across the backyard, but at least the air is warmer. In the morning, there is sunlight in the backyard, but cold air.

·        7:00 Hot Tea& Mom’s Reading Time, Prayergarden

·        8:00 am Hot Breakfast& Bible & CHORES

·        9:00-11/12 SCHOOL

1.        PT

2.        Spelling, Grammar, Handwriting

3.        Math

4.        Hebrew & Greek Videos

·        12  Lunch and CHORES

·        1-2   Screentime if Earned OR   Outside

·        2-4:30       Outside FreeTime

·        4:30-5 Worship (inside or at Prayergarden)

·        5:00pm CHORETIME

·        5:30pm Dinner & CHORES

·        6:30pm Family Games [inside?] or FIRE

·        8:00pm Bedtime                          


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